Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Farmers are Fighting Back! Huzzah!

The Farmers v. Monsanto! <-----Link to article!


This is definitely a step in the right direction.

Farmers filed a a class-action suit against the multinational seed and chemical corporation Monsanto, stating they are no longer able to keep transgenic contamination out of their fields. This is humongous issue, seeing as 90% of the corn, soybeans, wheat, and canola in The United States are grown from genetically modified seeds that are owned by multinational corporations (MNCs) such as Monsanto.

MNCs have come to completely dominate agribusiness due to the patents they have on their GMOs and seeds. The government decided years ago that these modified seeds  could be patented since they are seen as unnatural. These patents have made it nearly impossible for organic or family farmers to continue their businesses without being sued for copyright infringement.

This is what happens:
A family farm is situated on "X" amount of acres. They have their own seeds that are not genetically modified. There is another industrialized farm down the road that only grows crops whom seeds have been provided to them by a MNC, such as Monsanto.Through pollination and natural processes, seeds from the MNC farm are carried by wind, animal, etc. to the family farm up the road. Now, since these genetically modified seeds have landed and contaminated the family farms crops, Monsanto can sue them for infringement.

So not only are these farmers suffering from smaller yields, with crops that aren't engineered to look beautiful, but they are being sued because THE WIND has flown patented seeds into their fields. What are they supposed to do?! This a completely natural process and it is ludicrous that Monsanto is able to claim that small farmers are violating their patented seeds because of pollination.

This is not the only way that Monsanto has sued farmers though. They have also been known to sue family farmers just for EXISTING. They claim that they have a negative affect on Monsanto's production because they encourage and "influence" the MNC farmers not to use GMOs. Seriously?

By suing Monsanto these farmers are saying that they also have a right to grow food without contamination from Monsanto!It'll be interesting to see how this turns out.

"Stress increases our nutritional needs, but, sadly, today's standard diet of refined, enriched, preserved, irradiated, genetically modified, pasteurized, homogenized, hydrogenated, and otherwise processed foods doesn't begin to meet our increased nutritional needs. Today's foods are less nutritious than their counterparts of yesteryear, owing largely to methods employed by modern agribusiness to increase agricultural yield and shelf life — at the expense of nutrient content and consumer health." - Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith, The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

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